Why Every Doctor Should Do A Law Degree

Most Doctors are ill-prepared for anything involving complex legal issues in their post graduate lives, yet most will find themselves dealing with numerous expensive and costly legal issues throughout their lives

 Vexations notifications, administrative subterfuge, administrative bullying, jurisprudential bullying, litigation, reporting to a regulatory body, complaint to an employer, complaint to a health authority, complaint to a regulatory body, getting sued for medical negligence, subpoenas to appear in court, subpoena to coroners court, tax authority disputes, financial structure understanding, financial planning, matrimonial property law, law of succession and insurance law, medical indemnity insurance law, medical insurance law, income protection and superannuation, self managed super funds, any real estate transaction, any practice you buy or contract with, any medical company you start, buy, contract with or consult for requires some legal knowledge and acumen to deal with effectively. Usually anything complicated has to have a lawyer involved. They have insurance in case they screw up same as doctors, but they don’t have anywhere as much other stuff to deal with. They charge a lot. One thing doctors will find out quickly is that when finance, law or money is involved - no one has any sympathy for doctors. Doctors are considered privileged, rich and deserving targets for all sorts of bullying. From senior nurses to Hospital and Government authorities, to other doctors, the medical field can sometimes be cannibalistic in the way that bullying chomps through the susceptible and weak. It’s the same environment that weakens previously proud, hardworking, resolute and strong individuals and applied to all not just doctors.

Government ineptitude, corruption, violence, Corrupt financial institutions, discriminatory medical insurance companies, racist and discriminatory insurance companies, an over zealous tax system and authority that targets doctors specifically, high litigation rate with a big no-win-no-fee industry, racist and discriminatory patients and providers (including institutional) and dysfunctional medical regulators and health authoritys.