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Complex Medical advisory

Specialized service to analyze complex medical presentations and problems, and to provide advice to patients, families, doctors and lawyers with regards to aspects of care, costs, risks vs benefits, risks common and remote.

A single complex medical presentation and admission to ICU of a family member is enough to bankrupt several families.

An attorney or solicitor must be briefed by the family to interface on complex decision advising.


Assessment of matters for medical negligence litigation, damages, quantum, prospects of success and the provision of expert opinion or “Advice on Evidence”.

Mediation, Arbitration or litigation in all areas where Medicine and the Law intersect or collide.


The following teaching webinars are planned:

1) Consent in the Emergency Department

2) Consent as a weapon

3) Treating Violent and Dangerous Patients- the medico-legal pitfalls

4) Vexatious Notifications

5) Bullying within the Health Industry

6) Why Every Doctor Should Do a Law Degree

7) Paternalism in Medicine

8) Involuntary chemical and physical restraints